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Friday, July 27, 2012

Unit Activity Tubs

This year I am going to completely attempt a Guided Math type of instruction. For all of you teachers reading this, I will elaborate on Guided Math in a later post and will update here when I do. Anyways.... I have decided to spend some time this summer putting together games and activities that be used in math workshop centers. I used various books with Envelope Games, File Folder Games, etc. You can find these at the teacher supply store on online (Amazon, etc.) These are a little time consuming to put together but so worth it. I also made some games as well as got some online, printed, colored and laminated them. I also have bingo games, flash cards, etc. Last year these were a big ole mess on my shelf and I forgot what I had. So, this year I decided to finish making all of the folder games that I didn't have time for last year and organized by concepts so that when I get to those units, I know exactly what I have to work with. Below you will see some of examples of what are in the tubs as well as the tubs.

The labels I printed in Microsoft Word and then glued to scrapbook paper. Then I laminated the labels and hot glued them to the tubs.

Mrs. Sheard

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